Presented photographs were taken during my stay in Mongolia in summer 2001. I was traveling with my mongolian friend Ulanchu, which helped me to get closer to rural people, enter their homes without shy and I was able to see their everyday life. I have collected many information and materials from mongolia and i would like to give them to my web pages.
When you come to exhibition you can see 15 black and white enlargements. Average size of pictures with frame is 50x50cm. I used cameras Pentax MZ-M, Pentax MZ-7, Pentax MZ-5N, lenses Pentax 28-70/4 AL, Pentax 80-320/4.5-5.6, retouching of scratches made scanner NICON LS40. Prints were made via laser exposure and than in a clasic developer way.
- Here you can see samples.
- I am glad if you sign my guestbook, I hope it is not too much when creation of those pictures took so much time and presentation is free. If you want to ask me questions please use my contact page.